Interested In Becoming an Affiliate?

What is an Affiliate?

An Affiliate basically allows you to refer other partners into the program, which allows you to receive ongoing revenue share from that partner's success.

  • Maybe you have a kiosk in your location and you know about others who might benefit from the same setup.

  • Maybe you do not have a kiosk in your location, but still know others who can benefit.

  • Maybe you have a network of business owners or managers that you think you can work with to get multiple locations on board and allow you to get passive, recurring income from each and every one of those locations.

  • Maybe you have a platform (blog, channel, etc.) that you can market from that would allow you to get the information in front of a lot of people efficiently.

Whatever your scenario, the point is that if you have one or more good leads on a location, you can become an affiliate and potentially benefit from their revenue for as long as they maintain a relationship with us.

It works like this:

You refer a local hotel to us as a potential partner. You know the GM and he has a lot of meeting space and holds multiple conferences and meetings on a fairly regular basis. You give us the referral and possibly make an intro if you know the person very well, then we work with them to setup their location with the appropriate charging station configuration. This is done at no cost to you or to them. They are up and running in a matter of days in most cases and the revenue begins to stream in. As the referring party, you get 10% of the gross revenue from that venue's station rentals AND advertising revenue for as long as they are still partnering with us. If they are bringing in $1,000 per month in gross revenue (~7 rentals per day on avg.), you are making $100/mo.

If you refer a second location, say an entertainment venue. That venue brings in $3,000 per month in gross revenue. You are making another $300/mo. free and clear with no additional effort on your part, potentially FOREVER!

And one more thing... Let's say the GM of the hotel above knows 3 other hotel GMs around town and he refers them to us as well. His referrals will each pay him 10% just like you got from his hotel. However, since he is your referral, you also get 5% of his future referrals (the 3 other hotels) gross revenues as well. You can see where this can lead to substantial recurring and passive revenue for someone with good venue contacts.

Want to Request More Information?

Contact Us

(469) 609-6694

Plano, TX