How Can I Advertise on a Charging Station?

If you would like to place an advertisement on one or more of our charging stations, please read the information below and contact us if you have any questions.

Our charging stations run 24/7 and we are able to create a tremendous number of impressions as a result. The average display has thousands of contact opportunities each day. And the repetition creates a much more lasting impression than most alternative forms of advertising. You also have the opportunity to choose which locations you want to run the ads in to allow you to customize your audience and target those in close proximity to your location.

If you have a charging station at your location, you can choose to run promotional ads, upselling or cross-selling products and services and promote upcoming events. The ads can even be rotated out as often as weekly. You create your ads to fit your theme and design choices as well. You can also choose to run ads on other stations in the area to get in front of customers that you might never have the opportunity to reach otherwise.

Ads might include promoting upcoming events, specials to brings customers back again soon, discounts available. You can advertise your venue at nearby locations to draw in crowd that is already known to frequent nearby businesses, increasing the likelihood of gaining a repeat customer. The ad cost is very low compared to other alternative means of advertising as well. You can include QR codes to make it super easy for prospects to gather information about your business. You can even opt to put a charging station in your location to draw in more traffic and even begin to gain revenue from the stations and the rental and advertising revenue they generate. It's a tremendous win all the way around!

Pricing varies based on location and traffic trends, contact us to get a customized quote. However, you won't find a cheaper alternative to reach as many potential and actionable customers.

Many of our advertisers eventually do turn in to host venues after they see the great value the stations provide. They can not only get discounts on their own advertising, but they can get paid a portion of the revenue on the rentals AND the advertising of others. In fact, many host venues opt to actually become a station owner themselves, which allows them to get an even bigger discount and a larger share of the revenue. Plus, they are able to place stations with other venues and create passive income on those stations (rentals and advertising revenue) as well as their own. We even have a referral program that allows people to get an ongoing commission on venues that are referred to us, whether they are an active host venue, an advertising partner, or neither!


Common Questions

How much revenue can be generated with the digital advertising?

The sky is the limit. Realistically though, most of our stations will run anywhere from 2-7 ads at a given time. Each ad can generate between $75-$300 per month. Stations in a location with reasonably good foot traffic can easily earn $500-$1,000 per month in ad revenue, this in addition to the rental revenue already being generated.

What are the benefits to advertising with stations near me?

Each station generates between 500-1500 impressions per day. Almost every single view is from a potential customer that is already frequenting a business in your area and is specifically tailored as your target audience. The conversion rate is much higher than other advertising methods as a result. In addition, the cost of advertising through this method is much cheaper than most because, being all digital, it requires no print media and no mailing/postage. Lower overhead means lower cost to you!

Do I need to have a station in my business to advertise?

No. Our host venues do routinely advertise on their own stations and other stations nearby, but almost anyone can advertise even if they do not have a station at their location. Contact us to determine pricing options for the type of advertisement you want to place.

Contact Us

(469) 609-6694

Plano, TX